How magick has helped my journey to self love

Renée Konan "Miss Pravala"
4 min readJan 12, 2021

These days, most people are familiar with metaphysical terms like energy, frequency or the Law of Attraction. What if I told you that magick , aka “alchemy” is nothing but the Universal laws in action? And how the daily practice of spells is a high end version of your basic affirmations, visualization exercises and other NLP manifestation techniques.

Historically, and this has been reinforced by the media in the 20th Century, witches have been portrayed in less than a positive light. Physically repulsive, old and angry, these (more often than not — with the exception of Native American Shaman and indigenous tribes of Africa and Australia) women, druidesses, healers, priestesses, plant healers, voodoo practitioners, etc, are not exactly what you would want to ever be associated to.

Trust me, I come from a tribe of women healers and mer-goddesses spirit channellers, and I dreaded being called a “ganga” (word for “priestess healer” in my native language). I wanted to be normal. I denied my true nature and posed as “the regular girl” for years, until spirituality came and bit me in my beautifully round a$$. I took a long detour before coming back to my soul calling.

Besides the obvious “abilities”/ “gift” you need to be born with in order to be a practitioner of the occult arts, there is still a big lesson you can take from the notion of magick. I always tell my clients that instead of wishing for something that is not rightfully theirs, manipulating the free will of a person to get their desired outcome, why not starting on a journey to myself their true divine self.

Hear me out for a sec!

As per the law, “you manifest what you are and NOT what you want”. And if what you are is: an infinite being with access to infinite possibilities, that can be observed through the myriad of this beautiful Universe’s synchronises, how about embodying your Higher Self, your “god(ddess)” self; in which case, logically, your god(ddess) self can only manifest god-like circumstances.

Self-love is the main attribute of a god. Well, love, unconditional love it. The love of self, the love of others, without judgment or prejudice.

Yet, we are often our worst critics.

In the early 2000s, covers of the magazines and billboards were the cause of many teenage girls having an atrocious relationship with their physical bodies. Today, this self-hate pandemic is worst, with the ever-expanding access to social media. Some people spend hours of their days looking at enhanced photos of the lives they don’t believe they can have access to; the lives lived by girls and women who look like real life Barbie dolls.

The more we scroll down and the more we see parts of our bodies that need “fixing” to fit the new Internet ideal.

My plea is to review our daily rituals and see where we can incorporate, here and there, rituals of self-love, self appreciation to enhance our self-concept and have it fit, not a fake standard that is not, at all, the key to happiness. I mean, contrary to what the ego might be telling us, an influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers is not necessarily synonymous with the barometer of her access to happiness. From my experience with my clients, some of them being high profile, I could vouch that many times, the rise to quick fame is often actually the cause of dissociation with self and disillusionment.

What if the solution was simply to turn to magick?

My work with Oshun, Aphrodite, Erzulie Freda “Metrezili”, Ishtar, Isis, in the form of initiations, guided channeling and Glamour spells, always start with turning to our inner dialogue, shine from within to create this mesmerizing aura people cannot take their eyes away from.

Beauty from within instead of beauty from the plastic surgeon’s office. Inner radiance instead of self-deprecating thoughts. Self-seduction spells to ignite the interest of a lover. I mean, the sky is the limit with magick!

And as bonus, which is not irrelevant if spirituality becomes a real thing for you, is that you get to meet with the most beautiful beings I’ve evern been fortunate to encounter: our divine family. Faeries, archeias, ascended masters, and, you will guess, my favourite, goddesses!

This path is the path of self. The journey is to meet ourself. Way too often we are taught to look for the approval of the exterior world to be validated and even claimed. Magick offers the opportunity to meet Universal Laws principles in that, as you assume yourself divine, you manifest divine circumstances. As per the Law of Correspondence, once you fix your mirror, the world will get to see the authentic (not perfect) you and you learn to love her as she is, shining from the light of the God(dess) within, so will the world.

Miss Pravala, The Luxury Spiritual



Renée Konan "Miss Pravala"

Goddess Spirituality consultant, bruja, healer, author and YouTuber on sexual energy, womb and yoni healing and spiritual awakening